Tuesday, June 9, 2015

30 Days of Fitness

I have given myself a goal.

A easy goal really. And I want to stick with it.

30 days of 30 workouts. Nothing major. Just doing something. If you dont use the Mapmyrun app its great. You can use it for walking, running, jogging and other things. I love that it GPS maps my routes so i can get good stats on what im doing and how far im walking.

So far this is how my days have gone

Day 1- 6 miles
Day 2- 2.5 miles
Day 3- so far im at 1.5 miles and intend on doing another 1.50 tonight

My goal is to get in 20 minutes + of movement. That does NOT count getting up to go to the fridge.

I have a long term goal. Although, right now I feel like a dinosaur trying to get up and move. My muscles ache. Im not use to all this movement. Im not sedentary by any means, but this is DEFINITELY not what I am used to.

I have also gotten Zumba dvds to use. And am looking into the community center pool classes.

I plan on starting back with my progress pictures ( cover your eyes lol) but Im doing this for me.

Plan your work and work your plan. This is what an amazing leader in my business tells me and others all the time. It applies here too.


I am beginning to wonder why I even write in this thing. Oh yeah, its for me. I saw a post yesterday with a picture that  really struck a chord.... here it is....

Why must we always have a reason to look pretty? To go walk? To make ourselves look nice? Society tells us that we have to look pretty or be thin for us to be validated and have self worth. Yes, it is nice to have someone compliment us on our appearance... but you should do it for you! Not for anyone else. Not to please someone else. I will admit, I am guilty of this because I always think " If i was just a bit more this or that he would love me more"

Do not get me wrong. I love myself. But I am human. I have insecurities just like everyone else. I have had not nice things said to me, about me, done to me. But I am still a amazing human being. I get down. I have bad days. I keep going.

So do not just do something to get someone's attention, to feel validated, you already ARE. Go put on that red lipstick and those boots and work it b/c you already ARE IT!


Saturday, June 6, 2015

I look like a beachball with legs....


I have let myself get off the path I started on over a year ago.

I have kept up with all my calories, but of course when you are consuming crap you don't need every day ( fast food, candy bars, soda's) it reallllly doesnt help  much. Just makes me go what the hell am I doing.

Ive tried to start about 50 times since i fell off awhile back... and nothing ever stuck.

I feel like a beachball with legs- fat, overstuffed, cant move, back hurts, bloated. It SUCKS.

I have resolved myself that I cant just jump back on the band wagon anymore. I have to ease back into it like im putting on my fat jeans and they do not fit.

Im going to look into the community center's gym and water aerobics stuff. I need to do something that I Like b/c otherwise IT ISNT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Summer is here. Another fat summer. Another summer with avoiding a bathing suit in public.

Dear God  I need to change.

Pray for me. Pray with me.


Friday, January 2, 2015

Broccolli is the new cake

I must confess.

I {loath} most veggies. Most. Not all.

I do like broccoli. And last night I envisioned my steamed sea salted {lite of course!} broccoli as a big piece of chocolate cake with mounds of buttercream frosting.

It is just not the same. I hate being fat. I hate feeling like the stay puff marshmallow dude from Ghostbusters  as I waddle across my floors.

Im pissed off at myself. Im pissed off at my husband who has not reached the weight gain age yet. He's 24. Screw that. I am pissed off that I did not start doing this in my teens and taking care of myself.

And I really hate to work out. I do not even want to use the E word. Its filthy.

BUT..... it must be done.......


Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year New You??? Bah Humbug!

Yep its 2015. Everyone is running around making their  posts about new year new me.

And yes while I am resolving to change things about myself, I do not want to be a new me. I love me. I just want to make a better version of me. A 2.0 model as you may call it.

I might only write a sentence a day on my blog. I might get so mad or frustrated and not have much to say. But its better than nothing.

So on that note here's my starting weight: 270 lbs 
Goal for January is to loose 15 lbs and cut out fast foods again

If you are on a journey i wish you all the luck in the world!!!!


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Eat all your Fruits and Veggies

Only if they are smothered in cheese, ranch or chocolate ;)

No really. I have a hard time consuming the proper amount of each of these. And do not get me wrong, I actually love salad, carrots, apples, oranges etc. But I have found a much better way of getting these in my body. Without having to juice and buy a ton of veggies and fruits.

Let me first say, I do not sell this product. I did , at one point, sign up to use the products and purchase them etc. However, I had to make a choice at that time to pay my bills or use the products. I chose my bills. But my parents used the products, so I got things from them. I have tried a lot of things in my time. A lot- you name it, I have probably tried it. This works. And I hate myself for stopping for many months but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. And sometimes you are just lazy and want to eat. ( Mine was a bit of both)

So enter Isa Fruits and Isa Greens. Ill admit, not a big fan of the greens alone. But I usually will add them into my shake. But the Isa Fruits are not bad. But you really need to shake it to get it all dissolved. So , I decided why not make a juice- used 1 packet of the Isa Fruits, some frozen strawberries and some water. So good. Very happy. And i also add 1 scoop of the Fiber powder from them as well.

If you are trying to find something to do to get your fruits and veggies in, Id def recommend these!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Fresh start year 2 take 2

So just started year 2- I have been on my journey for a year. And now im starting year 2.

I have resolved myself to do better this second year. I did very well for 8 months out of 12 the last year and kinda just slacked off the last 4 months.

Ive been changing the way I grocery shop as well. More fruits and veggies, less processed stuff. I do still buy stuff like canned  beans, soups etc, but im trying  hard to get away from all that eventually when money allows. I pick and choose my battles.

We are also trying to claw our way out of a financial hole. So that has taken a huge toll on me.

But im back with a lot more determination.

Im working on a chart to show me when to do what- I was never good at keeping a food journal so I just use My Fitness Pal. I highly recommend it. But you have to USE IT to get anything good from it.

Be honest with it and yourself. No one else has to see anything you put in. Or how  many calories you ate but you. But it will help.

I have been cleaning out my house of some foods i will no longer be purchasing ( but hey its food and we have a budget so it gets ate regardless of anything) and im trying to cut back on my... gasp.... COFFEE lol and drink black tea and chai tea instead.

I leave for vegas in a little under 2 months and i really want to loose another 10 lbs before I go and get back into shape with the walking.

Im going to try to be more productive with this blog, and my others, this year!
